Constant angular acceleration situations

In a situation in which the angular acceleration is constant we can apply a method very similar to the method we applied to handle one-dimensional motion situations with constant acceleration.

  1. Draw a diagram.
  2. Choose an origin.
  3. Choose a positive direction (generally clockwise or counter-clockwise).
  4. Make a table summarizing everything you know.
  5. Only then, assuming the angular acceleration is constant, should you turn to the equations.

These equations relate displacement, velocity, acceleration, and time, and apply under the following conditions:

Straight-line motionRotational motion
v = vo + at w = wo + a t
x - xo = vo t + ½ a t2 q - qo = wo t + ½ a t2
v2 = vo2 + 2 a (x - xo) w 2 = wo2 + 2 a (q - qo)