BU Physics demo room home page
Course schedule:
Day 1 - 1-13-98 - Intro
Day 2 - 1-15-98 - Constant acceleration
Day 3 - 1-20-98 - Forces
Day 4 - 1-22-98 - Forces
Day 5 - 1-27-98 - 2-D motion + circular motion
Day 6 - 1-29-98 - 2-D motion + circular motion
Day 7 - 2-3-98 - Momentum
Day 8 - 2-5-98 - Momentum and collisions; energy
Day 9 - 2-10-98 - Energy
Day 10 - 2-12-98 - Rotation; Moment of inertia; Angular momentum
Day 11 - 2-19-98 - Angular momentum
Day 12 - 2-24-98 - Ideal gases
Day 13 - 2-26-98 - Kinetic theory; Archimedes' Principle
Day 14 - 3-3-98 - Bernoulli Effect
Day 15 - 3-5-98
Day 16 - 3-17-98 - Heat
Day 17 - 3-19-98 - Thermodynamics and engines
Day 18 - 3-24-98 - Engines
Day 19 - 3-26-98 - Diffusion
Day20 - 3-31-98 - Simple harmonic motion
Day 21 - 4-2-98 - Simple harmonic motion / Sound
Day 22 - 4-7-98 - Sound and waves
Day 23 - 4-9-98 - Sound and waves
Day 24 - 4-14-98 - Electric fields
Day 25 - 4-16-98 - Batteries and capacitors
Day 26 - 4-21-98 - Electricity and resistance
Day 27 - 4-23-98 - Transformers
Day 28 - 4-28-98 - Magnetic fields
Day 29 - 4-30-98 - Induction