Whole vectors

Whole vectors

The simulation shows different ways of looking at position and velocity vectors for a ball experiencing projectile motion.

1. For the component view of position, the vectors moving with the ball are the net displacement (orange) and its x (red) and y (green) components. There is also a green vector on the y-axis, which is the contribution from the initial velocity, and a vector in pink/purple, which is the contribution from the acceleration.

2. For the component view of velocity, the vectors moving with the ball are the net velocity (orange) and its x (red) and y (green) components. There is also a green vector on the y-axis, which is the y-component of the initial velocity, and a vector in pink/purple, which is the contribution from the acceleration.

3. For the whole vector view of position, the vectors moving with the ball are the net displacement (orange) and the contributions from the initial velocity (green) and acceleration (blue).

4. For the whole vector view of velocity, the vectors moving with the ball are the net velocity (orange) and the contributions from the initial velocity (green) and acceleration (blue).

Simulation first posted on 8-10-2016. Written by Andrew Duffy

Creative Commons License
This work by Andrew Duffy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
This simulation can be found in the collection at http://physics.bu.edu/~duffy/classroom.html.

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