Fractional Chern Insulators
One of the reasons why dispersionless (or flat) bands are interesting is that they accommodate, when partially filled, an exponentially large number of states. This macroscopic degeneracy can
Electron fractionalization in graphene-like structures
Electron fractionalization is intimately related to topology. In one-dimensional systems, such as polyacetelene, fractionally charged states exist at domain walls between degenerate vacua. In two-
Transitions in and out of quantum topological phases
Some strongly correlated quantum many body systems display a type of order which cannot be characterized by any local order parameter. Instead, as proposed by Xiao-Gang Wen, such order is
Junctions of nanowires
The assembly of nanometer material structures, at scales intermediate between those of condensed matter and atomic systems, brings the promise of revolutionary new devices. But at the same time,
Why glasses?
Why glasses? The answer to this question has been the focus of much research effort for long. It is certainly a rather difficult question, and there have been a number of ideas lined up for trying
Quantum glassiness
In addition to equilibrium properties of topologically ordered systems, I have also studied non-equilibrium dynamics in a class of topologically ordered systems that have difficulty reaching their