Advanced Materials Processing with In-Situ X-ray
Characterization (AMPIX) Facility
Senior Collaborators:
Karl Ludwig
(617) 353-9346 (office)
(617) 353-7291 (lab)
(617) 353-9393 (FAX)
(508) 650-4028 (home)
(508) 740-8703 (cell phone)
Ted Moustakas
(617) 353-5431 (office)
(617) 353-5803 (lab)
Research Laboratory:
Chip Eddy
(202) 767-3672 (office)
(202) 404-8714 (lab)
(202-) 404-1596 (FAX)
University of Vermont:
Randy Headrick
(802) 656-0048 (office)
(802) 656-0817 (FAX)
Project Components
The Boston University capital equipment number
for this system is 443136. All Boston University PO's should refer to
this number.
Below are the major project components:
Beamline X21:
Beamline modifications are scheduled for this
summer. The new monochromator will allow the use either of Si or a multilayer.
A downward reflecting mirror will be installed.
We are sharing the X21 hutch with a small-angle
x-ray scattering (SAXS) setup. The slit system and sample of the SAXS
system will go upstream of the AMPIX chamber. The SAXS detector will
be downstream. During SAXS running, the AMPIX chamber (but not spectrometer)
will be removed and a beampath tube inserted. We will use the closest
SAXS slits as our incident beam slits as well. With the new mirror is
installed, the x-ray beam will enter the hutch approximately 44"
from the left wall and 60" above the floor. The hutch is approximately
15'x15' with a 77" wide door at the back. The door begins 3' from
the right hand wall of the hutch.
A key issue is our need to handle 10 sccm of Cl2 gas and 1 sccm of H2
gas. We need to work with Andrew Ackermann at the NSLS to resolve this
The spectrometer is now installed. It utilizes 2 "Large" Franke
goniometers 91051A. We need to order a new slo-syn motor for one of
the axes, as well as an appropriate coupling.
The processing chamber(s) slide onto the spectrometer using rails. The
rails are 13" apart. The table on which the rails set is 27"
from the beam center. This is compatible with the CHESS G-line arrangement.

March 2003 - Installation of base spectrometer
onto X21. Shown from left to right are Karl, Chip and Randy.
Diffractometer Control Electronics and Detectors:
Spec diffraction software has been ordered and
will run on a Linux computer located in the hutch control room. Spec
will communicate with EPICS, to be installed on the computer. EPICS
will then communicate with motion control modules located in a nearby
UHV Chamber:
The chamber is now actively being for characterization
Initial chamber design by Randy Headrick. It
has since been modified slightly.
Sample Manipulator with Zeta and Theta Motions:
Randy has submitted a PO to Thermionics for his
stage. Chip and Karl are continuing to discuss modifications necessary
for plasma processing with Tom Howard. The rotary feedthrough that Randy
used for the theta motion is Thermionics model FPRM-275-38/MD. The absolute
accuracy was about 0.05 degrees (180 arc seconds), and the backlash
was unmeasureably small (probably on the order of 0.001 degrees). Apparently
the ultimate error in sample rotation comes from the rotary feedthrough
itself. The sample is geared down by 25.27 to 1 from the rotation stage.
Effusion Cells (2):
We have:
Applied Epi 400g SUMO Source (2)
4.5" CF mount flange
Mo Free Construction
Electronic grade Ta and reagent grade PBN construction
Two Type C (W/Re) Thermocouple Assemblies
EPI style screw-on 4-pin power connector
Effusion Cell Controller w/DC Power Module (4):
Eurotherm 2404 PID Temperature Controllers
Autoranging DC power supplies, 1.5 kW
RS485 Serial Communication Interface
Fully bakeable 7m cable
Nitrogen Gas Purifier
Crucibles (2)
Plasma Source for MBE:
We have:
Applied Epi UNI-Bulb RF Plasma Source:
4.5" CF Mounting Flange
12.5" In-Vacuum Cell Length
1.33" CF Flange for N Gas Inlet
Replacable Apature Plate
Integral Water Cooling
RF Plasma Source Manual Tuning Unit:
Manual RF Matching Network
Cooling Fan
Power Supply Controller for RF Plasma Source
Fine Control Variable Leak Valve
Plasma Source for Surface Processing:
We have:
Specs Scientific Instruments Plasma Ion Source:
2.45 GHz, 250W max ECR
SA0100593 4.5" CF mount flange
CF to end 30cm (15 poss?)
Beam diam 2.5cm
10-100 sccm gas flow
Ion grid de-installable
triple Mo grid for low Enc
BN grid for free flow
Sample Bias Power Supply:
Chip is pricing a power supply from Advanced
Energy Industries - the RFX 600.