We got a new table.

We got a new table.
2018.04 Lab before renovation
We got a 1,050 square feet of lab space in the basement of the Physics Building at 590 Commonwealth Avenue. There used to be two labs with a shared entrance.
2018.08 Lab after renovation
Lab renovation finished at the beginning of August 2018. Lab temperature and humidity levels were still out of control.
2018.08 Laser delivery
Our laser system arrived 2 weeks in advance.
2018.10 Optical table delivery
Finally, our tables arrived.
Crates from bottom to top: two 5 ft x 10 ft x 18 inches table tops, one 5 ft x 8 ft x 18 inches table top, and table legs.
2018.10 Optical table delivery
Entering the loading dock at 748 Beason Street.
2018.10 Optical table delivery
2018.10 Laser unpacking
With the help from Alex’s students, we moved all lasers to the table.
2018.10 Laser installation
Laser installation took place from October 23rd to 26th.