What is quarknet?
Quarknet is an initiative to involve high-school teachers and their students in state-of-the-art research that seeks to resolve some of the mysteries about the structure of matter and the fundamental forces of nature. It is supported by the National Science Foundation and the U. S. Department of Energy.

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory poster
e-mail to all participants
Boston Area Quarknet Workshop on elementary particle physics
  • Dates
August 7-23, 2000 and two follow-up meetings on Saturdays in fall 2000 and May 5, 2001.
  • Location
Boston University and Northeastern University, Boston, MA
  • Participants
High school physics teachers who want to learn about: 
  1. Current ideas and research in particle physics;
  2. Development of modern theory and experimental apparatus at Fermilab and CERN;
  3. Particle physics exercises for high school physics curriculum.
No prior knowledge of particle physics is necessary. Attendance is limited to 10 participants.
  • Stipend
All workshop participants will receive a stipend of $300/week for the three-week duration of the workshop and $250 for instructional materials (supported by the National Science Foundation).
  • Academic credit
Four quarter hours of graduate credit will be offered through Northeastern University.  The cost is $50 for the application fee, plus $100 for each quarter hour, for a total of $450.  If you are interested in receiving graduate credit, please contact Darien Wood (darien@neu.edu) and Carol Doherty (cdoherty@lynx.neu.edu) if you have not done so already.
  • Professional development points
Upon request, Boston University or Northeastern University will issue a certificate documenting 90 contact hours (pdp) for recertification.

Contact persons:
Richard Dower
Roxbury Latin School
101 St. Theresa Ave.
West Roxbury, MA 02132
Phone (617) 325-4920
Charles Gliniewicz 
Mansfield High School
250 East Street
Mansfield, MA 02048
Phone (508) 261-7540 x2320
Ulrich Heintz
Boston University
Physics Department
590 Commonwealth Ave
Boston, MA 02215
Phone (617) 353-9057
Darien Wood
Northeastern University
Physics Department
111 Dana Research Center
Boston, MA 02115
Phone (617) 373-2958
last update on March 17, 2000 by Ulrich Heintz