Photo Gallery of Selected AdLab Development Projects “Entangle photons”With Hannah Mekbib and Yash AggarwalTwo experiments in one black box: Hanbury-Brown-Twiss and Hong-Ou-Mandel “Measuring planck constant” and “Thermal conductivity”With Mohit PandeyAn experiment that can measure both 1) Planck Constant in black body radiation and 2) high vacuum pressure with micron-size Gold-Tungsten wire as pirani gauge “Chaos bifurcation”With Chris CosbyCharacterizing the fractal behavior of a dripping faucet “High temperature superconductivity”With Felex ChenMeasuring high temperature superconductivity: critical temperature, magnetic field, and current “SQUID”With Steve KimSQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device) to measure quantum magnetic flux “Time Projection Chamber (TPC)”With Daniel ArcaroHelium 3 gas time projection chamber (TPC): Detecting bomb smuggling into NY harbor? “Muon lifetime” and “Landau distribution of energy loss of charged particle”with Prof. Larry SulakEquipment that can not only measure the lifetime of a muon in microseconds, but also the Landau distribution of their dE/dx enery loss in the water Cherenkov chamber