Notable Results from AdLab interns

Planck constant measurement from AdLab student. Notice they were able to reach 2% from global!
Planck constant measurement from AdLab interns. Notice they were able to reach 2% from global!



AdLab student used Arduino to power the stepper motor for filter selection on the Planck constant measurment!
AdLab interns used Arduino to power the stepper motor for filter selection on the Planck constant measurement!



Landau distribution of the muon energy loss in Cherenkov chamber!
Landau distribution of the muon energy loss in Cherenkov chamber!



Muon lifetime measurement performed in AdLab!
Muon lifetime measurement performed in AdLab!




IInside the TPC (Time Projection Chamber): Maintanenace of the high voltage mesh&plate from AdLab students!
Inside the TPC (Time Projection Chamber): Maintenance of the high voltage mesh & Anode plate from AdLab interns!


High temperature superconductivity in AdLab: Measuring critical temperature, critical magnetic field and critical current!
High temperature superconductivity in AdLab: Measuring critical temperature, critical magnetic field and critical current!


Beautiful single photon diffraction pattern obtained from AdLab Student!
Beautiful single photon diffraction pattern obtained from AdLab Student!