Registration Form for NEPPSR New England Particle Physics Student Retreat August 11-15, 2009, Craigville, MA (Cape Cod)
First Name: Last Name: Institution: select university affiliation: Boston University Brandeis University Brown University Hampton University Harvard University M.I.T. Northeastern University Tufts University U. Mass. Amherst Yale Other (add comment)
E-Mail Address: Phone Number (daytime):
Arrival: Tuesday, August 11 Wednesday, August 12 Thursday, August 13 Friday, August 14 Saturday, August 15 Departure: Tuesday, August 11 Wednesday, August 12 Thursday, August 13 Friday, August 14 Saturday, August 15 Will you need transportation to/from NEPPSR? Yes No Can you provide transportation to/from NEPPSR? Yes No Ride-sharing will be coordinated later. If you expect to travel to the retreat with your institution you may answer No to the first question.
Will a spouse/partner/family-member accompany you? Yes No The estimated cost for accompanying adult is $130/day or $422 per week for food/lodging. Children under 5 are free. Older children are $52/day or $172/week. Please remark below if you are bringing several family members and we will contact you. Special dietary needs:
Additional comments :
Students, please also tell us: Graduate School Start Year: Name of faculty sponsor or advisor: Area(s) of interest (collider, neutrino, astro, theory etc.): Roommate matching preference: Most student rooms will be shared. This form will generate an email sent to neppsr at If you make a mistake or some change is needed, just resubmit this page with a comment, a human will sort it out.